Connect conditional layout condition & prefilters to domain elements

Related products: Software Factory

Currently I use conditional layout on a Status column and if for some reason I change my domain element database values, I have to change the conditional layout conditions too.


So I got the thought, why can’t we connect it straight to a domain element? My column import_message_status has a same-called domain with elements for each status. If I could select an element of this column's domain, that would mean any changes in the domain will also affect the conditional layout condition. 

Let say if I change the Done status from value 5 to 6, I only need to change it at the domain elements and the conditional layout condition will read that value over there instead of I need to change it at all places where I name the status column in conditional layouts. 

Implementation suggestion:

Column determines which domain.

Type of value: (Domain) Element

Value: Lookup to select which element of the column's domain

In code, a join/a subquery is used to get the right db value of the chosen element


I'd guess that you probably would like the same feature for prefilters columns? Otherwise there would be a deviation between conditional layout and prefilters.


I'd guess that you probably would like the same feature for prefilters columns? Otherwise there would be a deviation between conditional layout and prefilters.

Great idea Arjan, that would be a nice addition.